Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Scarlett Johansson (and Woody Allen) - Andrew Eccles photoshoot

Scarlett Johansson (and Woody Allen) - Andrew Eccles photoshoot

Scarlett Johansson scared of Woddy Allen

SCARLETT JOHANSSON was so terrified meeting her hero WOODY ALLEN on the setof his new movie, she nervously stumbled over her lines.

The actress was delighted when she won a role in Allen's untitled Britishmovie, but admits the overwhelming emotions she endured coming face-to-face with her idol temporarily muted her acting voice.

She says, "On the first day I was working with Woody Allen, I was really, really nervous.
Scarlett Johansson (and Woody Allen) - Andrew Eccles photoshoot

Scarlett Johansson (and Woody Allen) - Andrew Eccles photoshoot
Scarlett Johansson (and Woody Allen) - Andrew Eccles photoshoot
Scarlett Johansson (and Woody Allen) - Andrew Eccles photoshoot
Scarlett Johansson (and Woody Allen) - Andrew Eccles photoshoot

el contador). Asignaturas pendientes: mayor participación de algunos miembros, debut de uno en concreto. ¿Ocurrirá en 2008? Confío en que sí. Gracias en cualquier caso por participar. Para celebrar este primer año, foto y vídeo de nuestra musa.

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